I have released and published v1.0.0 of my .NETStandard 2.1 SDK on NuGet for the DVLA Vehicle Enquiry API.

I tested it with a simple .NET Core 3.1 web api which can be found here.

The idea behind this package was to make accessing the DVLA Vehicle Enquiry API quick and easy.

Configuring the app to work with a .NET Core 3.1 web app, is as simple as adding the required api key to the appsettings.json or secrets.json and then registering the SDK in the Startup.cs file.

The setting is formatted as below:

    "DvlaVehicleEnquiryApi": {
      "DVLAApiKey": "YOUR KEY HERE"

Then registering the SDK is as simple as this:


To request the vehicle details by registration

var vehicleDetails = await _vehicleDetailsService.GetVehicleDetails(registration);

You can install the package from NuGet via Visual Studio or via the Package Manager Console:

Install-Package AjsWebDesign.DVLA.VEHICLE.ENQUIRY.SDK -Version 1.0.0

The source code can be found on my GitHub here

I have released this under the MIT Licence, however use of the DVLA Vehicle Enquiry Api is under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

Any issues which are encountered can be raised on GitHub

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